Friday, March 26, 2010

Around the Bay

After a big week with the official launch of ARK, today was day one of Around the Bay's Health and Fitness Expo. ATB is North America's oldest road race, and in a town with such great running history, we were looking forward to sharing our programs at the event this year. We looked pretty slick with our new banners thanks to Allegra's great work. Who wouldn't stop at such a good looking booth with rock star Kate MacNamara (2x ATB winner) there?

The other big project for the week was getting our new 365 program going. is now up and runing. Official launch is May 2010 and we're currently looking for test pilots!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We had a great training camp last weekend in the valley. The Ottawa crew came down for a character-building weekend of hard training in the wind, rain and cold. I spent most of the weekend on the mountain bike to give my foot a rest and had a fairly solid wipeout on Sunday morning. Downhill, sharp turn, foggy glasses and greased brakes ended up in an endo into this large craggy hole! I got lucky on that one. And now spring is here and the training is ramping up - only a few weeks to go before the first test of the year!