After racing the Blaze, I jetted back to the west coast for 6 days of orienteering racing in the Cascades of Washington. The Blaze was an amazing week, but I was left pretty tired after not much sleep and 150km of trail racing in 92h!
One day off, one travel day and it was back into orienteering mode. The week started off well as I won the first two sprint races and a mass start 20km race. Fast and hot, it was my kind of racing. Great fun and awesome preparation for the Worlds! I started to go a bit downhill after that and the weekend wasn't too stellar. I took it as good training and a good mental test.
Now back in Van, it's time for a bit of rest before the final 7 weeks before the World Champs! Now is when details matter. Every day counts. Onto the razor's edge!